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2-22-03/ b47 fans! I got some desterbing news for every1. I am very sorry to say that our show feb. 7th would be our last. All of us are very sorry. Jon is going to college march 20th. and Chris is going to college in july. I did not want to say anything earlier because I did not want people to think we would not play anymore shows. So if ya would like to see b47 play again get intouch with us before March 20th, and we will play. Only God knows if we will rejoin in the future. We just have to wait and see he has planned for us.
God Bless
Timmy C.

1-22-03/ whats up. umm most of ya should know that we have a show feb. 7th. Its a rescheduled* show from Jan. 17. yea. umm its the same time same place. We will be playing a brand new song. its been a while sence we have played a brand new song. so if u aint doing anything u should umm come. its going to be cool.. yea its gettin late so i am goin to go eat a doughnut and go to bed. mmmmm

1-12-03/ hello peoples. i just wanted to remind everyone about our show this fri. It is at Cave Spring Baptist Church. i think we will be playing around 11:30 or 12:00 i am really not sure. but please come to it because you will regret it later. yep... and we might play a brand new song friday so u wont want to mis it. that is about everything i needed to say. so im out
God Bless
Timmy C.

12-25-02/ Merry Christmas!!!! I hope everyone had a good christmas. Well I am here to tell everybody that we have buddy icons. As you see above. Just click the link and you can have a bold47 buddy icon for everyone to see. yep there pretty cool but kind of hard to see. but take it and support the band. gtg sorry
peace out fellas,

12-10-02/ WeLcOMe to the newly designed b47 site. I was getting tired of all the black. It was dull and plain so I decided to give it a new look. I hope you like it.
I got some bad news. The show this weekend is canceled. I really don't know what happened, I heard we might make it up in Jan. but they always say that. Sorry, I am getting tired of all these shows getting cancelled so are the other members. We are very sorry.
Well I'm out,
Timmy C.

12-2-02/ hello my friends. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Well I sure did. Hmm.... the band has had a little 2-3 week break but we're good. We Have a show the 14th in Christiansburg VA. at the U-Turn youth center. I dont have the time yet but I will post it as soon as I get it. We also just got a show in Jan. on the 14th at Cave Spring Baptist Church. I will post the time when I get it. I have sent out a news letter about all this. So check your email. Well I believe that is it.
Peace out my peoples,
Timmy C.

11-18-02/ hey b47 fans, we would like to thank all the people that came to our show saturday night. It was a good show besides the begining and the fact that I broke a string. But nothing to worry about. On the guestbook page, the entrys are on the bottom of the page. I thought I would let you know. As you see we don't have alot of shows lined up, so not much will be going on. If you want us to play give us a email or a ring. Whatever you prefer.
No more to say but God Bless,

11-14-02/ Hello peoples, we have a show this weekend ant First Wesleyan Church in Blacksburg. We play at 7:00 NOT at 11:00. So go if you dont't have plans, it will be a great time. I put a guestbook on the site. It is different than the others, but it will work. I sent out a newsletter today. I finally got it working. My computer is very slow. But I plan to keep sending them about every 2 weeks or something like that.
That is all for now,
God Bless,
Timmy C.

11-1-02/ Hey everyone. Let me first tell you that I put the NEW pictures in the "New fotos" page. So check them out. Sorry about the wait, my computer was not working with me. But I got them up so you can look at us and dream that we were playing in your backyard or something like that. (it could happen) Also we have a show Dec. 14th I will give you more info when I get it. And we might be getting a bunch of shows booked so keep checking the site for the information. I guess that will be all for now.
I am out like a fat kid in dodge ball,

________________________________________________ 10-23-02/ HeLLo my friends. how is everyone. Well our show this weekend is canceled. They never called us back to give us information. So we think that it is canceled. We are sorry about all the cancelatizations (is that a word) but the show Nov.16 is still on, I dont believe that will get canceled. Well we are in the process of writing new songs. We are righting a punk rock song for all ya punk fans. I will be puting some new pictures under the "New Fotos" page so check them out God Bless Tim _________________________________________________ 10-15-02/ Hey! Umm I got some bad news to tell you. Josh will be no longer playing with bold47. He felt that this is not what God wanted him to do. A big part of this band is gone now. But the good thing is that Josh has been accepted to Indiana Weseylan Univerity. So he will be attending the school in the fall. He will be missed. Don't worry because b47 will still be going strong, leaving the problems behind. Well we would like to think everyone who came to our show(s) this weekend. If you did not come sunday, you missed a great show. Well that will be all for now! Tim ________________________________________________ 10-4-02/ Hello my friends. Tim again, i am here to bring you a little bit of news. First let me say I put mine and Junior's bio on the bands "bio page" so go check it out, and learn something about us. yep yep. Umm. nothing really going on but on the 13th of Oct. Please come to Parkway Wesleyan for a great concert. And I mean great. !!Thousand Foot Krutch!! is playing, and cool thing is that we are opening up for them. So come check it out. Prayers needed God bless, Tim ________________________________________________ 9-29-02 hello peoples this is Tim, Timmy, Peepers, I go by different names.. For all ya that do not know me I am the newest member of "bold47" Well I might be doing the website for a while because Josh is busy with lots of stuff. So I offered to do it. Well, two shows have been cancelled. Ahh but we will make them up. They were the one at Lakeside Baptist on Oct. 4th, and the one in Blacksburg on the 6th. Something went very wrong. All the news section things got deleted. It was screwing up and my mind was going nuts. So we are back to one news entry. I am very sorry. The first time I work the site I screw it up. I am so stupid!!!! well that is the news for now. God bless my peoples Tim

For all of ya that listen to the radio. Tune in to WROV 96.3 on the "Homegrown Show" on Sunday nights @9:00-10:00pm and request bold47!


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